Thursday, September 5, 2013
My roommate Ashley and I went to Magic Kingdom the other day and decided to be full on tourists! By that I mean, we tried turkey legs. And let me tell you...they are not as good as they look. But the ice cream was definitely good, as always! We also road Splash Mountain and Space Mountain. Check out the goofy ride pics under my profile...embarrassing!
Aside from the fun, I've been working hard! I usually work 6 hour shifts, with the occasional 10 hour shift, and have 2 days off a week! Lately, I've been getting Wednesday's and Thursday's off. Those are the days I have the most time to Skype, FaceTime, or talk on the phone. The other day after work my colleagues/friends and I went to Waffle House! We looked classy wearing our HOT, white, and dirty costumes, don't you think?

I've also been to MIAMI! We left Orlando at 4 am, on the "party" bus, and spent the entire day there! The food was yummy and South Beach was beautiful! The water reminded me of Mexico! I hope I can keep up my tan until I get home in January. We also found Dash Miami! For those of you who don't know, Dash is the store that Kourtney, Kim, and Khloé Kardashian own. It always appears on their TV show, so I was really excited to see it in person! Yes, I watch their show. Don't judge! I have to admit, I was disappointed in the store. First of all, it's smaller than I thought! Second of all, it wasn't a good sign when we saw a security guard walking around the store. The only thing I could afford was a $12 keychain that said "Dash". It was NOT worth $12. But of course, I got pics to prove I was there! If only I would have seen the Kardashian's...
We finished Miami off at the souvenir shop! I bought a really cute beach coverup! Don't forget to check out all the fun pics!
Here's a list of what I've learned so far (some things):
1. You have to be EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA patient when you have 5 other roommates (especially living with girls). Drama!
2. I now know what to do if my car breaks down and Dad isn't there.
3. No matter what I do with my hair, the humidity ruins it. Would it be weird if I had one of my African American roommates braid it?
4. ATTENTION GIRLS: If you ever want to be called "princess", go to the front entrance of Magic Kingdom. The cast members there will do it. I personally enjoy it :)
5. It is important that I let go of everything I had at home and trust that it'll be the same when I get back.
6. I have a lot of support from everyone for going on this adventure!
7. Every time I walk into a Disney store I find something new that I want. This can be good, but also REALLY BAD...for my wallet. Especially when my pay checks (5 days of work) are equivilant to one day at The Egg.
8. There's no way to avoid sweating when you work outside at a water park in Florida. And the shade does not work, I've tried!
9. It's still incredibly humid at 3:45 am!
10. It can be really tough understanding international people. Especially at work through a walkie talkie.
11. I have to stop caring about people that don't care about me. I've learned this before, but it has become really apparent while I've been away.
12. I miss my family and friends more than I ever thought. This experience has really made me evaluate the people in my life and whom is worth my time and my friendship.
13. No matter what time of day, there's always a trillion people at Walmart.
14. As much as I hate to admit this, some of Disney's magic is lost. I'd rather be a guest than an employee. I wish I would not have seen/learned about some of Disney's secrets.
15. Staying true to myself is the best advice, thanks Mom!